NJ DCA COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program Phase II
On Monday, March 22nd at 9:00 am EST, NJ DCA will be launching the second phase of our Coronavirus Emergency Rental Assistance Program (CVERAP) Phase II. This program will be accepting pre-applications for assistance for rental arrears and temporary assistance for future rent to low- and moderate-income households that have had a substantial reduction in income, have qualified for unemployment benefits, incurred significant costs, or experienced a financial hardship due, directly or indirectly, to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nan McKay & Associates has been authorized by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs to assist in the administration of the COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program Phase II and to communicate with applicants and landlords.
Pre-applications will be accepted beginning at 9:00 am on Monday, March 22, 2021 at https://njdca.onlinepha.com, and assistance is available at 609-490-4550.
We have included below links to several program flyers that can be used to educate renters and landlords about this program.
If you have any questions about this program, please call 609-490-4550.