Parks & Recreation FAQs
Click here for online registration
Q. Which summer camp should I sign up for?
A. In order to accommodate as many children as possible, we require that you sign up for the summer camp identified by our staff. If you are unsure of which camp to enroll please download and follow the GIS instructions. This will allow you to see specifically the campsite your child is designated to attend.
Q. What does "on-line registration" mean?
A. Residents now have the option to register for recreation programs on their home computers through the internet.
Q. I already registered with Old Bridge Online Tax Payment, can I use that login?
A. No. In the interests of security, we are now keeping the property tax database separate from the recreation programs database.
Q. How can I look at the available programs without registering?
A. We are now offering the ability to enter into the recreation programs database with a GUEST account. No password is needed. You can search/view and do just about anything except register for a program. To get started you will need your user name and password. Click here to get started.
Q. How do I participate?
A. The parent must create an account before the office staff creates one for the child. Before we can approve your account for online use, you must mail, fax, or email a proof of residency (i.e. copy of your driver's license or a utility bill) for the parent and age verification(birth certificate) for your child. Camp R.O.B.I.N. participants are also required to produce a current IEP.
Please call the Recreation Dept at:
(732) 721-5600 ext. 4999
Monday - Friday - 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Q. Where can I find what classes are being offered?
A. The recreation website contains the most current information, and possibly any changes that may occur. A downloadable copy of the brochure is available on the Parks and Recreation main page.
Q. Are all recreation programs available for online registration?
A. Yes. All programs that the township offers can be done through online registration.
Q. Do I have to register online?
A. Yes, registration for all classes or programs must be done online. If you need assistance please feel free to contact our office and we will help you as best we can.
I have a question about this?
Please email us with any questions and/or feedback.