OBTV Programming

Old Bridge Township holds its Council meetings to give residents the opportunity to learn about the changes and improvements in the Township and to voice their concerns or opinions. Produced by OBTV.
AIRS: Mondays and Fridays at 10:00 AM. Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7:30 PM
Watch Old Bridge Township Council Meetings on our YouTube Channel

Old Bridge Township holds its zoning board meetings to present residential construction applications, to hear testimony, to determine if the requests meet legal requirements and to decide whether to grant construction permission. Produced by OBTV.
AIRS: Thursdays and Saturdays at 10:00 AM. Tuesdays and Sundays at 7:30 PM
Watch Old Bridge Township Zoning Board Meetings on our YouTube Channel

Old Bridge Township holds its planning board meetings to discuss applications and to ensure all legal requirements are met. The public is welcome to ask questions and make comments on the applicant’s testimony. Produced by OBTV.
AIRS: Wednesdays and Sundays at 10:00 AM. Mondays and Thursdays at 7:30 PM.
Watch Old Bridge Township Planning Board Meetings on our YouTube Channel

The Old Bridge Public Library Board holds its meetings on the second Wednesday of every month. Meetings are open to the public both in person and remotely.
AIRS: Tuesdays at 10:00 AM, Fridays at 7:30 PM
Watch the Old Bridge Public Library Board Meetings on our YouTube Channel

This series from the Old Bridge Senior Center gets seniors to exercise with dancing, chair workouts and light yoga. Al and Brenda make exercising with our seniors fun and safe! Produced by OBTV.
AIRS: Daily at 8:30 AM
Watch Silver Strength: Mind & Body on our YouTube Channel

Old Bridge Township brings fun events to the community, and we’re covering all the details. Get to know the township officials and collaborators who organize these events for our residents. Produced by OBTV.
AIRS: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays at 6:00 PM
Watch Old Bridge Special Events on our YouTube Chanel

Council President Mary Sohor and Vice President Anita Greenberg-Belli sit down with fellow members of the Township Council and township officials to discuss all things Old Bridge. Produced by OBTV
AIRS: Tuesdays and Fridays at 6:00 PM
Watch Council Corner on our YouTube Channel

Steve Mamakas discusses economic development in Old Bridge Township with local business owners and elected officials in Bridge to Business. Produced by OBTV.
Watch Bridge to Business on our YouTube Channel.

Think Old Bridge is a program that promotes civic engagement and brings the community information about Old Bridge, NJ. Produced by OBTV.
Watch Think Old Bridge on our YouTube Channel

Are you ready to find your new best friend? Look no further! The Old Bridge Animal Shelter presents their adorable Pet of the Month segment. Get to know each pet’s personality, background, and other unique facts. Produced by OBTV.
Watch Adoptable Pet of the Month on our YouTube Channel

Mayor Debbie Walker shares a PSA every other week. During these updates, she provides residents with information on all township services, important deadlines and upcoming events. Produced by OBTV
Watch Old Bridge Update on our YouTube Channel

When you take a drive through Old Bridge Township you will encounter almost every service and product you may need. From restaurants to shopping centers, Old Bridge has is all. This show highlights the businesses in town and the people who manage them. Produced by OBTV
Watch Spotlight on Old Bridge on our YouTube Channel