Contact Information

Phone: (732) 607-7933


Debbie Walker, Mayor

David Cittadino, Supt. of Schools, Vice President

Rocco Celentano, Supt. of Schools Alternate

Dr. Joan George, Trustee

Sara Marino, President

Maria Nowak, Treasurer

Rosemarie Rivoli, Secretary

Zainab Syed, Trustee

Gina Talamo, Trustee

Martha Tropeano, Mayor's Alternate

Frank R. Weber, Trustee

Meeting Schedule

Meetings will be held at the Old Bridge Public Library at One Old Bridge Plaza

Library Board

The Old Bridge Public Library is governed by a Board of Trustees comprised of the Mayor, the Superintendent of Schools, two alternates and seven members appointed by the mayor. Meetings are held every month, and the public is welcome to attend. This board oversees the operation of all public library facilities in the Township. It is responsible for setting policy to ensure that the library serves the needs of the community and for strategic planning so that the library continues to meet those needs in the future.