Before & After School Child Care Program
Old Bridge Township's Before/After School Child Care (BASCC) program provides before and after school childcare services within Old Bridge Township's 11 public elementary schools. BASCC is a non-profit program, sponsored and run solely through the township, not the Board of Education. Please do not contact the Board of Education or school offices for any communication, questions, or information relating to Before & After School Care. If you require assistance, please call our office at 732-721-5600 ext. 2395.
We kindly ask participants to read over the entire web page for details on Old Bridge Township's Before/After School Child Care program before reaching out to our offices. There are also links at the bottom of the page that contain more information such as costs, hours of operation, and program policies.
2024-2025 School Year Registration
Old Bridge Township's Before/After School Child Care program requires all registrants to enroll using our online registration platform, RecDesk.
Parents/guardians seeking to enroll their child(ren) into our program must create an account on RecDesk prior to registering. Please follow the below information to create an account.
Create your account here: Old Bridge Rec Desk
Once created, please be sure to add the child(ren) you are registering for our program as household members assigned to the account. List any important information our program needs to be aware of on the child(ren)'s account profile.
Registration Information
Any registrations not received on time will be subjected to a $25 late registration fee per child. Please make sure your payment is made on time to avoid this late fee.
Registration will be done on a month-to-month basis.
Open registration for each month will be from the 1st to the 15th of the month prior.
Example: February enrollment open from January 1st – 15th
Registration will be on a first come first serve basis and a wait list system will be in place due to the limited capacity at each program in each school.
Late Registration
If you do not register your child by the 15th of each month, a late fee of $25 will be applied for enrollments after the 15th until the 20th of the month.
You will have until the 20th to register with a $25 late fee per child.
All registration is done online, and the fee will automatically apply to your monthly tuition payment.
After the 20th of the month your child will no longer be enrolled in the program and a wait listed child will be contacted for enrollment.
Any payments not received on time will be subjected to a $25 late registration fee per child. Please make sure your payment is made on time to avoid this late fee.
Wait List
This year each program at each school will have a limited capacity of enrollment. Any child registered after the limited capacity amount will be placed on a wait list for the next month. On the 15th of each month if there is space in the program the parent of a wait listed child will be notified to enroll on the program and pay tuition by the 25th, if payment is not received the next wait listed child will be notified for the spot.
How to register and enroll?
After you have completed your account set up, you will log into Rec Desk and click on the Before & After Care button on the home page.
In this section you will choose the correct school your child will be attending for the 2023-2024 school year.
After selecting the school, you will need to select the member, which will be your child.
You will choose which program fits your child needs for care. Once selected, there will be important information our administrative staff need to know for your child’s records.
Next, you will be brought to a checkout page and be prompted to fill out the appropriate forms for our administrative staff to enroll your child into the program.
Please complete checkout by paying the tuition fee. Please note your registration will not be considered complete until the required tuition payment is made at time of enrollment.
Special Notes
For example, if your child is enrolled for Before Care only and you wish to change your program to After Care only or a combo of Before and After Care your request will only be processed if there is an open spot in our After Care program. If there are no available spots you will be placed on the waitlist for the After Care program.
Registration Dates & Information
Month | Registration Starts | Late Fee/Registration End |
September | Jun. 17th | Aug. 16th-20th |
October | Sept. 1st - 15th | Sept. 16th-20th |
November | Oct. 1st - 15th | Oct. 16th-20th |
December | Nov. 1st - 15th | Nov. 16th-20th |
January | Dec. 1st - 15th | Dec. 16th-20th |
February | Jan. 1st - 15th | Jan. 16th-20th |
March | Feb. 1st - 15th | Feb. 16th-20th |
April | Mar. 1st - 15th | Mar. 16th-20th |
May | Apr. 1st - 15th | Apr. 16th-20th |
June | May 1st - 15th | May 16th-20th |
Our program is supported and funded by tuition fees only. The parent/guardian/custodian will be responsible for payment of any fees from enrollment until withdrawal from the program. All tuition fees must be kept current for childcare services to be provided.
Tuition rates will increase over the next several years due to the raising of New Jersey minimum wage increase and our use of security at each of our Before and After School Care locations. Click here for fee information under Article VIII, Section 160-30.
# of Days a week | Before Care | Before & After Care | After Care |
3 days | $300 | $380 | $340 |
4 days | $310 | $400 | $350 |
5 days | $320 | $430 | $370 |
Financial Assistance
The township does not offer any payment plans, assistance programs, or scholarships.
If you are in need of financial assistance for your child's daycare, please contact Community Child Care Solutions at (732)-324-4357. They are based out of Perth Amboy, NJ 08861.
You can also visit their webpage at https://www.communitychildcaresolutions.org/contact-us.
A refund will be given ONLY if written notice is received in a timely manner. Written notice must be given 2 weeks prior to the month of service. If you decide you don't need the service for a particular month, but would like your registration to be rolled over to another month, you must also submit this is writing 2 weeks prior to the change in service. You can email us at AfterSchool@oldbridge.com. Notification received later than this will result in NO refund given and NO rollover of your tuition to another month.
There is also no refund or credits given if your child is sick and misses a day or if we close the program early because of inclement weather.
We don't give refund or credits for days missed because our program doesn't charge additional fees for the 15 extra half days in which your child will be in our program from 1 pm to 6 pm instead of the normal operating hours of 3 p.m. to 6p.m.
Parent Handbook & Form Sign-Off
Our Parent Handbook is an important guide for parents to read to understand the policies and procedures of the Before and After School Care program in Old Bridge Township. You will be asked to sign off on this form, and others, when enrolling online for the program.
Program Operation
Before Care: 7am-9am
After Care: 3pm-6pm
After Care operates from 1:15 pm - 6 pm on 1/2 days as listed on OBPS 2023-2024 Calendar.
Before Care: 7 am – 9 am
7 am - 7:45 am: Welcome children into program. Parents will sign child(ren) into program.
Children will be offered quiet activities to prepare for the school day.
Children may move freely from station to station with the understanding of basic rules established with the children; i.e., Breakfast area (no candy), children clean up after themselves; reading area must be quiet; games/art area - children can talk freely, should put away games when finished.
7:45 am - 8:30 am: Continue to play cooperative games or offer children the opportunity to choose what quiet activity they’d like to do.
8:30 am - 8:40 am: Cool down / clean up
Children who brought their own breakfast may eat at this time or whenever they choose upon entering Before Care
Children will be brought to the bathroom, wash their hands, and get ready for school.
8:45 am / first bell: Children will be dismissed and released to their classrooms.
This year the Before Care program will not have breakfast provided by the Board of Education to students in the program.
There is NO homework allowed during Before School Care.
After Care: 3 pm – 6 pm
3:15 pm - 3:30 pm: Welcome children into program from school.
Children will place their belongings in the designated area and will find their seats until attendance is complete.
3:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Physical Activity
We are State mandated to do 30 minutes of physical activity each day.
Organized games will be prepared and run by site staff for children to participate in
3:45 pm - 4:15 pm: Snack
Children will be brought to the bathroom to wash their hands before snack
Students enrolled in the After School Program will be provided a snack and a drink daily. If you wish to supply your child(ren) with their own snack you are welcome to.
4:15 pm - 5:00 pm: Homework
Staff will provide 45 minutes of homework time in a quiet environment.
Staff is available to assist the children when needed.
Please understand this is independent homework time and not private tutoring; staff will try to make sure the child understands the concepts they are working on.
5 pm - 5:45 pm: Arts & Crafts, Board Games, Physical Activity
Children may move freely from station to station with the understanding of basic rules established with the children; i.e., children clean up after themselves; reading area must be quiet; games/art area - children can talk freely, should put away games when finished.
5 pm - 5:45 pm: Clean-Up
6 pm: Program end
Our program cannot customize schedules for each child based on their after-school activities. Each one of our program sites will use the above and below format daily with some flexibility based on when attendance is completed.
1. Attendance 3:15-3:30
2. Physical Activity 3:30-3:45
3. Snack Time 3:45-4:15
4. Homework Time 4:15-5:00
5. Arts & Crafts, Board Games, Physical Activity 5:00-5:45
6. Clean Up Time 5:45-6:00
7. Program Ends 6:00
Late Pick Up Fees
Late Pick-Up Policy:
We allow ONLY 5 late pick-ups for the entire school year. A late pick up is considered any time after 6:00 p.m. It is up to the parent/guardian to guarantee a pick-up by 6:00 p.m. After the 3rd late pick-up, a letter will be sent home by the Director informing the parent/guardian that you will only be allowed 2 more late pick-ups for the entire school year. If a parent/guardian is late after the 5th pick-up, your child(ren) will no longer be able to attend the program for the rest of the school year.
Minutes/ Late Charge
0-9 $5
10-14 $10
15-19 $15
20-24 $20
25-29 $25
30-34 $30
35-39 $35
40-44 $40
45-49 $45
50-54 $50
55-59 $55
60 $60
** Please note that if a parent/guardian has not contacted us 30 minutes after our program has closed and we can't reach anybody on your emergency contact list, we will need to contact DYFS and the Police Department.
Attendance Procedures
If your child will not be attending the After School Program on their regularly scheduled day, please follow the rules below to ensure your child's safety.
Sick Procedure
If your child is sick and stays home or is picked up early from school, please make sure to call or email BASCC office with a message that includes your child's full name and the day they will be absent.
Walker/Bus Procedure
If/when your child will not be attending the After School program on their regularly scheduled days, and instead will be a WALKER or will take the BUS home, you must inform our office as soon as possible in order for us to properly communicate any changes with the school and BASCC staff. You must also call your child's after school site cell phone and leave a message that includes your child's full name and the day they will be absent. Hand written notes will no longer be accepted!!
Change of Days Procedure
If you need to change the days your child will be attending you must email BASCC offices the request. Handwritten notes will no longer be accepted for security reasons.
If you are changing your child's program, this form must be into our office by the 15th of the month prior to when you want the change to happen.
If you are changing your child's days during the month, this form must be submitted to our program by Friday 10 am. for the following week.
For safety reasons, we DON"T make changes to a child's schedule during the week.
Early Pick-Up Procedure
If you pick up your child early from school but they are supposed to be attending the after school program on that day, please make sure your call the after school site cell phone and leave a message that includes your child's full name and the day they will be absent.
If at any time you are unsure what to do, please contact our office immediately at 732-721-5600 ext. 2390 or 2395
Delayed Opening & Early Closing Policy Because of Inclement/Severe Weather
In case of a delayed school opening, Before School childcare will be canceled, but After School care is held as usual until 6:00 pm.
Our After School program does not operate when schools have an emergency closing in the event of snow, extreme heat, or other severe weather.
Parents will receive alerts through email. Please make sure to add your cell phone numbers, cell phone carriers and email addresses to your child's account.
It is up to the parents/guardians to make alternative arrangements in advance of snow, heat, or severe weather-related early closings. You must contact our office if your child attends the After School program and will be going home on the bus, as a walker, or if somebody will be picking them up at the school on days our program is closed because of inclement/severe weather.
Contact Us
Jillian Dwyer
Program Manager
Before & After School Program
(732)721-5600, Ext 2390
Richard Lani
Program Coordinator
Before & After School Program
(732)721-5600, Ext 4040
Diane Catanzariti
Administrative Assistant
Before & After School Program
(732)721-5600, Ext 2395
Phone: 732-721-5600 ext. 2395
Fax: (732) 607-4813
Hours of Operation
Before School Program:
Only offered at the Elementary Schools. Program starts 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M
After School Program:
Elementary After School Program Hours: 3:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M.
Scheduled Half Days:
If there is a scheduled half day on the school calendar, the Before and After School program will be available. The hours are listed below:
Elementary Schools: 1:15 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Early Dismissal and Delayed Openings:
In the event of inclement weather in which the schools have an early dismissal, there will be NO After School Program.
If there is a delayed opening, there will be NO Before School Program.
BASCC Site Phone Numbers
Madison Park