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Anahita Feltz, Business Administrator
Phone: (732) 721-5600 Ext. 2045
Aime Alonzo, Executive Assistant
A municipality operating under the mayor-council form of government has a department of administration headed by a business administrator and other departments (no less than two and no more than nine) as council creates by ordinance.
All of the municipality's administrative functions, powers and duties, other than those of the municipal clerk and the tax assessor, must be allocated and assigned among and within such departments by a business administrator appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of council.
The business administrator can function like a "chief of staff" under the direction and supervision of the mayor and shall:
Assist the mayor in the preparation of the budget.
Administer a centralized purchasing system.
Be responsible for the development and administration of a sound personnel system.
Perform other duties as the council may prescribe.
The governing body of the municipality may provide, by ordinance, that the business administrator shall, subject to the direction of the mayor, supervise the administration of each of the departments established by ordinance. For this purpose, he/she shall have the power to investigate the organization and operation of all departments, to prescribe standards and rules of all departments, prescribe standards and rules of administrative practice and procedures, and to consult with the heads of the departments under his/her jurisdiction; with respect to any department of law, audit, accounts or control, the authority of the business administrator under this subsection shall extend only to matters of budgeting, personnel and purchasing.
The first three duties of the administrator are very specific. However, the last two duties are potentially very broad, if the mayor and council want them to be. Beyond assisting the mayor in the preparation of the municipal budget and administering the purchasing and personnel systems, the mayor and council define the role of the business administrator and the scope of his/her authority.